Genome Editing

Gen Technik 14

With the aid of genome editing methods it is possible to modify or remove gene sequences in a targeted manner, as well as to precisely incorporate new material into the genome. Through the application of the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (or CRISPR) method, which was only introduced a few years ago, it is now possible to carry out such modifications relatively efficiently and with a high degree of precision on bacteria, plants, animals and human beings. This new method of genetic molecule editing is already being widely applied in research and is giving rise to considerable expectations. Initial practical applications for plants already exist, and these have drawn attention to certain issues relating to regulation. In the field of medicine, efforts aimed at developing somatic gene therapy or xenotransplantation, which in the past had encountered difficulties or were found to be impractical, are now entering the realms of possibility. Furthermore, the debate on intervention in the human germline has been reopened.

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Project duration

November 2017 to spring 2019

Project mandataries

Dr. Erich Griessler, Institut für Höhere Studien IHS, Wien

Project group
  • Alexander Lang (Projektkoordination), Helmut Hönigmayer, Florian Winkler und Milena Wuketich, Institut für Höhere Studien IHS, Wien
  • Caroline Hammer und Prof. Armin Spök, Technische Universität Graz
  • Prof. Michael Fuchs, Domink Harrer und Prof. Lukas Kaelin, Katholische Privatuniversität Linz
Supervisory group
  • Prof. Alberto Bondolfi, Prof. em. Université de Lausanne, Mitglied des Leitungsausschusses von TA-SWISS
  • Prof. Toni Cathomen, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin und Gentherapie, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg i.Br.
  • Prof. Daniel Gygax, Institut für Chemie und Bioanalytik, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Vorsitzender der Begleitgruppe
  • Dr. Dominic Hoepfner, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
  • Thomas Müller, Redaktor, Schweizer Radio SRF, Mitglied des Leitungsausschusses von TA-SWISS
  • Dr. Benno Röthlisberger, Medizinische Genetik, Kantonsspital Aarau
  • Pfr. Dr. sc. agr. Otto Schäfer, Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund SEK
  • Franziska Schwab, Kleinbauern-Vereinigung
  • Prof. Giatgen Spinas, Prof. em. Universitätsspital Zürich, Mitglied des Leitungsausschusses von TA-SWISS
  • Prof. Franziska Sprecher, Institut für Öffentliches Recht, Universität Bern
  • Prof. Bruno Studer, Institut für Agrarwissenschaften, ETH Zürich


Adrian Rüegsegger, TA-SWISS